Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Opening Of A Company In India Requried Formalities In 19th Centuary East India Company Opened 3 Banks In India.What Are They?

In 19th centuary East India Company opened 3 banks in India.What are they? - opening of a company in india requried formalities

Bank of the Presidency of the Reichsbank /.


cuteyyyy... said...

In 1809, Bank of Bengal was formed.The Bank of Bombay was created in 1840, which merged with Bank of Madras in 1843. Together with the Bank of Bengal, which has as a presidential "banks.Later was known in 1921, the three banks in the Presidency to a central bank known as the Imperial Bank of India.

Focus said...

The Imperial Bank of India, established by the British, is now the State Bank of India, the largest bank in India.

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