Monday, January 18, 2010

Glass Work Station Where Can I Buy A Shot Glass?

Where can I buy a shot glass? - glass work station

Walmart is a gas station or shooting glasses?


Icterida... said...

Liquor stores, tourist traps, souvenir shops at the university.

kenandju... said...

Differences in many places. Target, Wal-Mart, an airport, a shopping mall .... etc.

Tiffany said...

depending on what you want. Stations usually carry Souvenior for the state or the city, which is only a few centimeters from the base, Wal-Mart are not frills. But if you want a new ... Go to Spencer or similar in their shopping center.

Good luck!

Big Daddy said...

I collected most of the mining companies travel centers along highways.

Chuck said...

Almost every truck stop gift shop.

soupkitt... said...

Wal-Mart because they sell alcohol. Every place that alcohol is usually not sold. Gas station would have the memory element.

bobby d said...

Shooting glasses are used worldwide in almost every shop you to eBay for a wide range of go

Beefcake said...

In ....... Wal-Mart with a candle inside.

samantha said...


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